Base Specs: Size: 7 1/2” x 9 1/2” Can be cut down to any size
All French lace Scallop #5 tape tab Stitched contour support lines Double French lace interior Colourless knots
Hair Specs: Type: Human hair . Grey is synthetic. Exception: 65%, 80% and 60RY is Yak Length: 4”-6” Wave: Light wave all over Density: Light/medium all over, 10% less in front Style: Freestyle New Image’s Octagon is one of the mainstays of the industry. It is one of the first French lace systems made and it is a DHR favourite. The French lace is fine and natural, with bleached knots at the front. The poly coating is thin enough to be very comfortable and flexible but also able to hold any type of bonding.